Posts by P.H. Winterton & Son

Cleaning Equine Bedding from Stalls Effectively

Cleaning Equine Bedding from Stalls Effectively

By on Oct 28, 2020 in Blog, Equine Bedding |

One question we often get asked here at P.H Winterton is, how long does it take to clean equine bedding out of stalls? While it is quite a labour-intensive process it is recommended to do this, in some cases every day. If you are looking to streamline this exercise, take a read of some of our suggestions regarding stall cleaning below. 5 Cleaning Methods for Stalls Invest in Quality Rubber Stall Mats – Rubber stall mats provide a smooth base for efficient cleaning plus they are non-absorbent and easy to disinfect. Thick mats provide cushioning for horses’ legs and feet which is helpful for arthritic horses and those prone to founder or laminitis. Choose Your Bedding Wisely – Finer bedding such as sawdust shavings is the best option. Just be careful how much bedding you use as if you overbed you will spend more time cleaning. Also, you will face an increased potential for dust exposure plus mould and allergens which can lead to respiratory problems. On the other hand, inadequate bedding or failing to clean stalls will increase the risk of problems linked to air quality. Consider Bedding Conditioner/Drying Agent – Equine bedding has a high moisture content that can really hold onto ammonia, especially when combined with humid air can lead to respiratory distress in horses. Consider a dry powder bedding conditioner and drying agent which is designed to keep bedding dry and reduces the potential for bacterial infection. Pick Stalls Regularly – Taking even just a few minutes to pick your horse’s stall before you leave each night can make mucking out much easier. This helps keep your horse happier, healthier and cleaner plus it helps cut back on odours and flies. It is particularly effective for horses that are a bit restless in their stalls and tend to grind manure into the equine bedding. Extend Turnout Time – Fewer hours horses spend indoors, the less time you will spend cleaning up after them. A regular turnout provides a number of benefits too. Equine field antics such as bucking, kicking, rolling, snorting and whining are all-natural movements that help clear respiratory systems and stretch sore and tight muscles. Healthier digestion is another added benefit of more...

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Why Sawdust Shavings are the Best Horse Bedding

Why Sawdust Shavings are the Best Horse Bedding

By on Oct 21, 2020 in Blog, Equine Bedding, Shavings |

Have you ever wondered what the best bedding material is for your horse? Here at P.H Winterton and Son, we believe that sawdust shavings are the best choice and we will explain in this post why. Here are the criteria you should have before purchasing horse bedding – Safe for horses Easily available Absorbent Easy to store Cost-effective Easy to handle and pick manure from Many horse owners think that they need to bed their stalls like our own beds, making them soft and fluffy. But horses by nature do not require a soft and fluffy bed unless they are a bit older and thus need to lie down for longer periods of time. The main purpose of horse bedding is to absorb urine and moisture. Explaining the Appeal of Sawdust Shavings Nothing quite looks and smell like a stall that is freshly bedded with traditional sawdust shavings of pine or fir. Different types of shavings are more absorbent than others, with kiln-dried shavings having lower moisture content than heavier chip-like shavings. Look to maintain good ventilation in the barn once your shavings have been laid and keep an eye out for cobwebs and dust layers. Having bagged sawdust is easier to use, convenient to store plus they are far less dusty than loose equine bedding. Should I Consider Rubber Stall Mats? Using rubber stall mats means you will be able to easily scoop up manure and soiled bedding and leave clean bedding behind. This also gives your horse a healthy surface to stand on with enough ‘give’ for a cushioning effect. Talk to the Horse Bedding Specialists If you need new horse bedding for your barns, please do not hesitate to contact P.H Winterton and Son today. We offer three different equine bedding options to match any budget or quality...

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How Tier 3 Restrictions Affect Horse Riders

How Tier 3 Restrictions Affect Horse Riders

By on Oct 14, 2020 in Blog, Equine Bedding |

With a number of areas across the country being placed in Tier 3 COVID-19 constrictions, it is crucial to know what horse riders can and cannot do. The three-tier system, which came into effect on Wednesday 13th October has different restrictions in each case. As the leading provider of equine bedding, P.H Winterton and Son understand the importance of adhering to these new regulations whilst also keeping your horse fit and healthy. The Latest COVID-19 Equestrian Advice Explained The most recent British Equestrian advice still applies and riders with specific queries about their area will need to check the advice from their local authority. Governing bodies have also issue particular guidance for members, for example, British Showjumping has reminded members that it is their personal responsibility to stick to the rules for their locality plus following the sport protocols if attending shows. British Eventing has stated, “All members should consider any restrictions in their own area before travelling to an event. It is the responsibility of each member to ensure they are complying with the requirements.” They have also encouraged, as a priority, to ballot out members who would now not be able to compete. British Dressage (BE) has confirmed that thanks to the COVID-19 secure protocols and procedures in place, organised British Dressage can continue ‘in all areas’ provided that all COVID rules are adhered to. This includes the ‘rule of six’, social distancing and hygiene measures. BE have updated its sport resumption protocols to add that all persons on the event site need to check lockdown, rules and COVID restrictions in their area plus additions to protocols already put in place for their events. Top Quality Equine Bedding P.H Winterton currently offers three types of equine bedding to match any budget and requirements. We have recently started selling Zebra Fibre Bedding, which is extremely absorbent which makes it easier to clean out of stables. Our Cheshire Choice bedding is our premium selection of bedding made from 100% of wood shavings but if you are working to a budget we also have Economy Bale bedding. If you have any questions about any of our products please feel free to contact us...

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Understanding the Basics of Horse Bedding

Understanding the Basics of Horse Bedding

By on Oct 9, 2020 in Blog, Equine Bedding |

While there have always been plenty of horse bedding materials on the market, they will all have their different advantages. Here at P.H Winterton and Son, we are the leading provider of equine bedding with three different products currently in stock. Here we will discuss the three main factors to consider when choosing your animal bedding. 3 Factors to Consider When Purchasing Horse Bedding Storage – Storage needs to be taken into consideration when choosing the best bedding material for horse and carer. Products with a robust, waterproof packaging can be stored outside or in a sheltered area. Unpackaged bedding such as straw needs to be stored in a cool, dry place in a weatherproof barn to prevent it from becoming mouldy, dust and ultimately, unusable. You will also need to consider storage security for your bedding to prevent thefts. Waste Removal – Most animal bedding products are biodegradable with the only difference being the timescale which each rots down. The method of waste removal can influence the type of bedding material you buy. There can be big differences between the amount of waste produced from the bedding when mucking out. Horse manure should not be used for spreading on equine pasture because of the risk of contamination with parasites plus it would make the grass unpalatable. Availability – The availability of certain types of horse bedding may be affected by the time of the year. Although, this is not the case with P.H Winterton as we supply bedding materials for customers right across the country. Contact Us With Any Questions If you have any questions about P.H Winterton’s range of equine bedding, please do not hesitate to get in touch now. We also offer a sawmill waste collection service for joinery’s and sawmills to get rid of their waste in an environmentally conscious way, creating biomass fuel. This is a biodegradable fuel source which can be used for industrial heating and...

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Explaining Stable Management and Equine Bedding

Explaining Stable Management and Equine Bedding

By on Oct 2, 2020 in Blog, Equine Bedding |

A number of equine bedding products can be used in stables to satisfy both the need of the horse and the carer. Poor quality bedding has a significant impact on the health and welfare of the horse, even those stabled for short periods of time. P.H Winterton and Son currently offer three types of horse bedding that will suit any requirements. For our latest blog we are going to share some stable management tips and how investing in quality horse bedding can help. Why Quality Equine Bedding Matters Fresh, clean air is essential for the health of your horse, which means it is important that your bedding has little or no dust present. Mould spores and dust can be present in poor-quality bedding and can lead to respiratory problems. Bedding materials need to allow for the efficient removal of droppings which needs to be done at frequent intervals. Urine should be allowed to drain freely to the base of the bed where it can be absorbed and removed. The design of your stable also helps to determine how efficient your bedding is with regards to drainage and absorption. Some stables will have drainage channels which can also help with removing urine. Stable bedding must provide support for your horse’s hooves while standing and for their whole body when lying down. This helps to prevent stable injuries such as capped hocks or elbows and allows your horse to lie down and get up safely without slipping. Good, high banks and thick bedding helps alleviate an injury if your horse becomes cast. If your stable is too small and the surface floor does not have sufficient grip injuries are more likely to occur. Thick bedding with high banks helps to block out draughts. Stable Management No matter which type of horse bedding you choose, it is essential that your stable is big enough for your horse to turn around and lie down comfortably without making contact with the walls. To prevent horses standing on bare concrete or uneven stone floors, bedding needs to cover the whole stable floor, especially near the door. A lot of horses spend long periods standing which can place more strain on their limbs and joints. Regardless...

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