The use of biomass fuel has increased during the first quarter of 2020, according to data released from the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. P.H Winterton is the country’s leading provider of biomass fuel pellets, we are also part of the government’s approved Biomass Energy Supplier List. Here we are going to look at the increase in the use of renewable energy and explain a bit more about our grades of biomass wood pellets. Renewable Energy Usage Increasing Renewable energy accounted for 47% of electricity generation during the first quarter of 2020, which is an increase of 11.1% when compared to the same period during 2019. Total renewable electricity capacity in the UK was measured at 47.7 gigawatts throughout the first quarter, which also increased by 5.2% compared to 2019. Different Grades of Pellets Explained P.H Winterton currently offers two different grades of biomass pellets. P16 grade pellets have a moisture content that is under 25% whilst our P35 grade pellets are highly absorbent and can be used in a number of applications. We are able to supply the wood chip produced in large quantities all year round, with the following benefits – A naturally dry form of fuel Recycled product as it is carbon neutral The use of wood that would normally be wasted or sent to landfill A cost-effective heating solution All of our biomass fuel is processed using our custom designed and built plant that chips and screens the wood to two different sizes while extracting all fines less than 6mm from the fuel. Talk to P.H Winterton about Biomass Fuel For over 60 years, P.H Winterton and Son have been providing animal bedding for customers all over the country and in recent years we have expanded our services to include sawmill waste collection plus biomass fuel. If you have any questions about any of our products mentioned here, please do not hesitate to contact us...
Read Moreabout Biomass Fuel Continues to Rise in PopularityThe UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has revealed statistics that show renewable resources, such as biomass fuel accounting for 12.3% of the nation’s total energy consumption during 2019. P.H Winterton and Son are the leading suppliers of biomass fuel across the UK, and for our latest blog, we are going to focus on the importance of bio-energy. The Increased Importance of Bio Energy Electricity generated from renewable sources across the UK, reached a record 37.1% last year, which increased 4% on the previous year/ This increase reflected a 6.5% rise in renewable generation capacity to 47.2 gigawatts. Despite reduced nuclear output, the BEIS has stated that low-carbon electricity’s share of generation increase from 52.6% to 54.4%, which was driven by the increase in renewables generation. The BEIS also noted that the bioenergy and waste share of primary energy consumption has tripled over the past 10 years, from 3.2% in 2009 up to 10% in 2019. Biomass Fuel Explained Biomass fuel is an organic material that is produced in a renewable manner creating heat or power. There are currently two popular components from the joinery and farming industry that create biomass fuels, animal and wood wastes. The reason PH Winterton and Son started producing biomass fuel is that joineries were struggling to dispose of surplus wood, meaning we were able to sell this as a renewable energy product. We use Grade A wood residue from sawmill waste collection that can be burned in a boiler for industrial heating plus electricity. Get in Touch for More Information If you would like to know more about P.H Winterton’s biomass fuels, please contact us today. We currently offer two different types of fuel; P16 grade, a smaller size of wood chip plus P35 Grade, which is a Grade Wood that has no contaminations...
Read Moreabout Demand for Biomass Fuel Continues to GrowGood quality shavings from P.H Winterton and Son is the best bedding material for dairy cows and their cubicles all over the country. Our bedding materials are light in weight, easy-to-use and work well with automated scrapers and slurry systems. High-quality cattle bedding needs to be non-abrasive, dry, highly absorbent, does not cause clouds of dust and keeps your cows clean and comfortable and handles well in slurry systems. Invest in the Finest Cow Bedding Investing in the best cattle bedding ensures your cows do not get hock infections, experience high levels of mastitis, lameness or high cell counts. These issues can result in reduced lying times and less milk produced. Hock infections are a major cause of lameness in dairy cows and can lead to wound infections that could result in abortions in cows. Poor quality shavings can also cause damage to the skin which if it comes into contact with bacteria can result in hock or foot infections which can impact on their performance. Comfort for cows is extremely important as an extra hour of lying time could be worth a litre of milk. Bacteria only multiply in warm, damp conditions which means keeping cubicle beds and bedding dry with adequate ventilation. This removes moisture from buildings, reduces humidity and allows beds to dry. The Best Shavings Bedding from PH Winterton P.H Winterton and Son offer three types of cubicle bedding which is ideal for cattle. Firstly we have soft-dust bedding that is made from 100% softwood that is kiln-dried and made to the highest standards. Our agri-dust sawdust has become one of the most popular brands of sawdust across the UK because of its quality and consistency. Its grains are screened to 3mm or less which leaves less chance of abrasion or illness that can be caused by other animal bedding. P.H Winterton has also added Zebra Fibre animal bedding to our range, which can be used as both cow or equine bedding because of its superb absorbency qualities. If you would like to know more about our cow bedding products, please contact us...
Read Moreabout Why Shavings are Great for Cattle BeddingWith the announcement that mounted games and polocrosse have been given the green light to resume in England, now is the best time to invest in extra care for your horses. While daily patterns, including exercise routines, have been disrupted by the Coronavirus pandemic, keeping your horses well is a task that never ends. As the leading supplier of horse bedding across the country, P.H Winterton understands the importance of maintaining your horse’s throughout these challenging times. Here we are going to share all you need to know about the return of mounted games and polocrosse. Guidelines for Equestrian Team Sports Equestrian team sports were stopped in March because of the pandemic, but the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport released guidance last month which contained guidance to minimise transmission of the virus. British Equestrian has worked with the Mounted Games Association of Great Britain, the United Kingdom Polocrosse Association and The Pony Club to put together action plans and risk assessments for mounted games and polocrosse. Risk assessments identified ways to lower the risk of transmission and lower the number of people in the vicinity of the field of play. Event organisers can now make modifications to the activity or rules of the sports when required. This action plan works alongside the DCMS’s return fo Recreational Sport Framework which also needs to implemented by organisers with social distancing guidelines from the government. Talk to the Horse Bedding Specialists As we return to a new normal for equestrian mounted games and polocrosse, P.H Winterton can offer three different types of equine bedding to suit any requirements. Our economy bale bedding is a cost-effective solution, whilst our Cheshire Choice bedding has excellent absorbency levels and our newest range Zebra Fibre Animal Bedding can be used for horses as well as cattle. Get in touch now if you have any questions about our bedding...
Read Moreabout Invest in Horse Bedding Ready for Mounted Games and PolocrosseThe best way to create the ideal rest area for your horses is by investing in horse shavings from P.H Winterton and Son. For our latest blog, we are going to share some essential maintenance tips to keep your horse’s stable clean and safe plus some advice for composting used shavings. 6 Way to Maintain Your Stables 1. Horses need to be removed from their stable if possible while mucking out 2. Droppings also need to be removed as quickly as possible using a shavings fork 3. Shake your fork gently to loosen any clean shavings back onto the surface and avoid waste 4. Loosen the surface of the bed with the shavings fork when you have finished mucking out 5. Every 2-3 days, heap loosened surface shavings into banks at the sides then remove any concentrated areas of wet shavings and pull banks into the main area of the bed 6. Finally, add fresh equine bedding to maintain optimum depth. How to Compost Used Horse Shavings P.H Winterton recommends that the simplest and most environmentally friendly way to dispose of used shavings is to compost them and return to the soil. Industry specialists have commissioned scientific studies to confirm that the best conditions for composting horse bedding successfully. Results showed that used shavings plus manure turn them into excellent compost in just a matter of months. Here are some composting tips – Have a rough ratio of 3 parts shavings and one part dung or green matter Make sure the heap is on the wet side of damp but ensure it is not waterlogged Keep the heap uncovered Turn the heap monthly if possible as air is essential Under these conditions we would predict horse shavings will compost on between 4 and 8 months, depending on the season. Get in Touch for More Information If you would like to know more about P.H Winterton’s range of equine bedding, please contact us...
Read Moreabout Making the Ideal Bed Using Horse Shavings