Cleaning Equine Bedding from Stalls Effectively
One question we often get asked here at P.H Winterton is, how long does it take to clean equine bedding out of stalls?
While it is quite a labour-intensive process it is recommended to do this, in some cases every day. If you are looking to streamline this exercise, take a read of some of our suggestions regarding stall cleaning below.
5 Cleaning Methods for Stalls
Invest in Quality Rubber Stall Mats – Rubber stall mats provide a smooth base for efficient cleaning plus they are non-absorbent and easy to disinfect. Thick mats provide cushioning for horses’ legs and feet which is helpful for arthritic horses and those prone to founder or laminitis.
Choose Your Bedding Wisely – Finer bedding such as sawdust shavings is the best option. Just be careful how much bedding you use as if you overbed you will spend more time cleaning. Also, you will face an increased potential for dust exposure plus mould and allergens which can lead to respiratory problems. On the other hand, inadequate bedding or failing to clean stalls will increase the risk of problems linked to air quality.
Consider Bedding Conditioner/Drying Agent – Equine bedding has a high moisture content that can really hold onto ammonia, especially when combined with humid air can lead to respiratory distress in horses. Consider a dry powder bedding conditioner and drying agent which is designed to keep bedding dry and reduces the potential for bacterial infection.
Pick Stalls Regularly – Taking even just a few minutes to pick your horse’s stall before you leave each night can make mucking out much easier. This helps keep your horse happier, healthier and cleaner plus it helps cut back on odours and flies. It is particularly effective for horses that are a bit restless in their stalls and tend to grind manure into the equine bedding.
Extend Turnout Time – Fewer hours horses spend indoors, the less time you will spend cleaning up after them. A regular turnout provides a number of benefits too. Equine field antics such as bucking, kicking, rolling, snorting and whining are all-natural movements that help clear respiratory systems and stretch sore and tight muscles. Healthier digestion is another added benefit of more time outdoors as the continued movement allows the stomach to produce less gastric acid which decreases the risk of gastric ulcer development.
Talk to the Equine Bedding Experts
We hope you found these tips about stall cleaning useful and if you need more horse bedding for your stalls, please contact PH Winterton and Son today.