If you are looking to support the environment and save money on your energy bills, using biomass fuel is one of the best ways to achieve this. Using bio-energy is one way you can apply for the UK government’s Renewable Heat Incentive scheme, which means you could receive quarterly cash payments across 7 years for using an eligible renewable heating technology. The scheme was introduced to encourage the uptake of renewable heat technologies for householders, communities and businesses through financial incentives. This plan was projected to contribute 12% of heating coming from renewable sources by this year. There are two different versions of the Renewable Heat Incentive, which we will explore during this blog. Domestic and Non-Domestic Renewable Heating Incentives Domestic RHI – The domestic RHI scheme was launched on 9th April 2014 and provides financial support to the owner of the renewable heating system for seven years. This scheme covers England, Wales and Scotland. If the renewable heating system heats only a single property which is capable of obtaining a domestic Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) open key term pop-up, you can apply for the domestic RHI scheme. The EPC is proof needed that your property is assessed as a domestic dwelling. Please note, without this, you cannot join the RHI scheme. Non-Domestic RHI – The non-domestic RHI is a programme that provides financial incentives to increase the uptake of renewable heat by businesses, the public sector plus non-profit organisations. Eligible installations will receive quarterly payments across 20 years based on the amount of heat generated. Much the same as the domestic scheme, this covers England, Scotland and Wales. Save Money with Biomass Fuel Heating P.H Winterton is delighted to be part of the UK government’s Biomass Fuel Supplier List, which was introduced by the Department of Energy and Industrial Strategy in April 2014. This allows participants in the Renewable Heating Incentive to simply demonstrate to Ofgem that fuel they are using in their biomass boilers meets the sustainability criteria to claim RHI payments. Get in Touch for More Information If you need more information regarding biomass fuel or the Renewable Heating Incentive, please contact us...
Read Moreabout Understanding Biomass Fuel and the Renewable Heat IncentiveFurther use of biomass fuel across different industries is one of the most innovative methods to achieve future Government climate targets. P.H Winterton, are part of the UK’s biomass supplier list, making us one of the recognised providers of this low-carbon energy solution for the West Midlands. For our latest blog, we are going to explain how biomass fuel works, its benefits and why it needs to be used more in numerous sectors. The Environmental Benefits of Biomass Energy Bioenergy currently represents 7.4% of the UK’s primary energy supply mix (according to REA), but it this energy source that will play a crucial role in the decarbonisation of sectors such as transport and industries which rely increasingly on electrified technologies and system. The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA), has stated that the country should aim to more than double this figure to 16% by 2032, which would help climate targets to be achieved. The UK Government has announced it will be extending the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) until March 2022, with the introduction of flexible tariff guarantees to non-domestic RHI until March 2021. The RHI was originally set to close at this time, but now households that have signed up to the scheme will continue to receive payments until the end of the 7-year agreement. This scheme was put in place to convert 12% of UK homes to a renewable heat source (such as biomass fuel) by the end of 2020, with current figures suggesting it will reach between 8 and 10%. Biomass Fuel Available from P.H Winterton P.H Winterton offers two types of biomass fuel to customers in domestic, commercial and industrial environments – P16 grade – Smaller sized wood chip P35 grade – A-grade wood with no contaminants present If you are interested in implementing biomass energy in your property, please contact us today and we can recommend the best product for...
Read Moreabout How Biomass Fuel Helps to Reach Climate TargetsP.H Winterton and Son are proud to be one of the companies on the Government’s Biomass Supplier List. If you have never heard of this list, we have put together this handy guide to tell you everything you need to know. This scheme ensures that all wood fuel registered on it is from sources that are at least 75% sustainable and 100% legal. Once the applicant’s application is approved, they are provided with a BSL authorisation reference number. It will usually be in the following format – ‘BSLXXXXXXXX-XXXX’. The Biomass Supplier List is a scheme which provides participants of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) with a straightforward way to demonstrate that their fuel complies with the RHI’s standards. What is the eligibility criteria for the Biomass Supplier List? Suppliers (such as P.H Winterton and Son) registering fuels on the list will be required to verify that the emissions from the cultivation, processing and transport of the biomass fuel achieves a saving of at least 60% against the EU fossil fuel average for heat when used in a boiler which achieves a 70% average seasonal efficiency. This is also calculated using the life cycle assessment methodology set out in the European Commission’s 2010 report ‘Sustainability requirements for the use of solid and gaseous biomass sources in electricity, heating and cooling SEC 2010 65 Final’. How We Process Biomass Fuel P.H Winterton is proud to work with Cheshire-based organic recycling specialists CRJ Services, to assist with the processing of biomass fuel. CRJ Services supplied P.H Winterton with hire equipment to meet shredding requirements with the Doppstadt AK430 High-Speed Shredder, which is recommended by their team to deal with the demand for biomass fuel. Got More Questions? Get in Touch If you have any more questions about biomass fuel, please contact us today. P.H Winterton and Son currently provide biomass fuel in Staffordshire, Cheshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire plus we can plan to deliver to your address if you are further...
Read Moreabout What is the Biomass Supplier List?It’s that time of year when everyone starts thinking about their New Year’s Resolutions, and we have got one that you can keep more years to come! While many resolutions are broken within days of the New Year, choosing a renewable energy source like biomass fuel from P.H Winterton will have a positive environmental impact and mean you can keep this resolution for years to come. Fuelling the Future If you’ve never used biomass energy before, here’s some more information. As a heating resource biomass fuel is extremely competitive with natural gas, with applications including: • Heating Small Groups of Houses • Large Individual Houses • Schools • Glasshouses (where heat isn’t readily available) Biomass boilers do vary in their tolerance of wet fuel, with the majority running efficiently on chips with a moisture content higher than 30%. Combustion takes place in the following stages, which can also occur simultaneously: Warming and Drying – Warming and drying woodchips has several advantages including preservation, an increase in heating value weight reduction. Pyrolysis – The thermal decomposition of materials at high temperatures in an inert atmosphere; which involves a change of chemical composition that’s irreversible. Gasification – Converting organic or fossil fuel-based carbonaceous materials into hydrogen, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Power derived from gasification of the resultant gas is one source of renewable energy which is obtained from biomass. Combustion of Gases – Biomass fuels emit carbon dioxide when the carbon reacts with oxygen during combustion, which is because the biomass has absorbed the carbon from the CO2 in the atmosphere during its growth. The combustion of biomass is also considered to be CO2 neutral. Want to Know More? Get in Touch P.H Winterton and Son are proud to be part of the Government’s Biomass Fuel Supplier List, which was introduced in April 2014 by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). This allows participants of the Renewable Heating Incentive to easily demonstrate to Ofgem that the fuel they are using in biomass boilers meets the sustainability criteria to claim their RHI payments. If you would like to know more about our biomass fuel, please contact us...
Read Moreabout Make Biomass Fuel Your New Year’s ResolutionWith winter well on the way, finding ways to protect your flock from the elements can be challenging – especially for smallholders who don’t farm poultry on a larger scale. One of the most innovative ways to keep your chickens warm is by heating the chicken houses with P.H Winterton’s brand of biomass fuel. We offer two grades of biomass fuel, P16 grade and P35 grade, with the only difference being the size of wood chips used to create the fuel. In our latest blog, we are also going to share some handy tips you can use to complement using our biomass fuel. Happy Chickens will Keep Laying Eggs It’s true that chickens are hardy birds and if they aren’t warm enough, they will stop producing eggs, with weaker members of the flock becoming sick; which can be harder to recover from in colder weather. Here is some advice to ensure your birds are protected from the colder weather – Minimise Drafts – Wind chill can increase heat loss from your coop, and if it is more than five years old there are chances that parts have started to rot and will need repairing. The cheapest way to repair holes is to use cut-to-measure plywood over holes. Keep Coop Well Ventilated – You shouldn’t have any large holes in the coop, as this will reduce airflow too much. This could lead to serious issues such as ammonia build-up. Placing vents towards to the top of the coop, as this will vent out the warm, moisture-laden air and replace it with cooler, drier air that keeps humidity down and prevent mould from growing in the chicken bedding. Your mesh vent should have a hatch that you are able to open and close that will properly vent the coop during the day and close it up in the evenings when it’s colder – especially during heavy rain. Frostbite Protection – During cold months and freak weather, breeds with large combs and wattles are more susceptible to frostbite. Give your chickens extra protection by covering their combs and wattles in petroleum jelly that keeps off the worst of the cold. Find out more about Biomass Fuel P.H Winterton and Son are part...
Read Moreabout How to Keep Your Chickens Warm this Winter