The equestrian market is getting an early Christmas present, with the fantastic London Olympia horse show just a few days away. P.H Winterton and Son are proud to be sponsors of this illustrious event plus the Royal Windsor Horse Show. For competitors in the Osborne Refrigerators Shetland Pony Grand National, the best way to ensure your horse is fully prepared is investing in some of P.H Winterton’s high-quality equine bedding. This race holds all the excitement of a horse race on a smaller scale, with Shetland ponies and riders racing around the arena at a fast and furious pace; making it a highlight of Olympia. Highlights of the London Olympia Show Here are some of the other highlights of the London Olympia show – Dressage – At Olympia, there are two dressage competitions; the Grand Prix and Kur or Freestyle Test to Music. In the Freestyle to Music, the riders choose the music, choreography and the sequence of movements that have to be shown. Competitors are also evaluated for technical skill and artistic performance. One of the most important things with regards to the artistic part is that the horse can do all the movements in the rhythm to the music. Show Jumping – Considered the most important show jumping event at Olympia is the Longines FEI World CupTM Jumping Leg which takes place on Saturday afternoon. The Cayanne Puissance on Wednesday is also very fun with horses challenged to jump higher and higher. The Christmas Finale – Every year the Olympia finale is created for children of all ages with a bit of singing, a bit of dancing and a very special guest… A New Brand of Equine Bedding Recently, P.H Winterton has started stocking Zebra Fibre animal bedding, which can be used for cattle and horse bedding. With excellent absorbency qualities, Zebra Fibre means minimal risk of abrasions for your animals. We stock Zebra Fibre bedding in 48-60 bales per pallet and store it in all-weather bags ready for purchase. Want to Find Out More? Contact Us Today If you’d like to know more about all of our equine bedding products, please get in touch today. The London Olympia Show 2019 takes place between 16th and 22nd...
Read Moreabout Prepare for London Olympia Show with Quality Equine BeddingUsing the highest quality of horse bedding will help combat any allergies your horses may encounter. P.H Winterton and Son are experts in equine bedding with products that balance affordability with a great service. In our latest blog, we are going to look at the most common forms of equine allergies and how to identify them in your horse. Identifying Equine Allergies It doesn’t matter if your horse is a foal, adult or senior, equine allergies affect horses of any age primarily affecting the skin or their respiratory system. Allergic reactions can be triggered by any of the following – • Dust, mould and pollen • Insect bites • Rarely feed substances • Products or chemicals applied or touched by your horse • Vaccinations, drugs and plasma or transfusions Some of the familiar signs of an allergic reaction include: • Hair loss • Regional or body-wide hives • Laboured breathing such as coughing or an intolerance to exercise • Swelling, redness, crusting and/or itching at the contact site – for dermatitis, this will manifest as a sweet itch from the insect bites Treating and Preventing Equine Allergies There are three key areas to assess when treating equine allergies, firstly apply a fly mask sheet to prevent insect bites and the risk of further disturbance to your horse. You could also consider medicated shampoo to help get rid of any insects and treat bites and lastly the most important thing to do is invest in high-quality equine bedding. Our Cheshire Choice Horse Bedding is made from 100% softwood shavings which offer comfortable bedding with excellent absorbency levels. This keeps your stables drier for longer and because of its long-lasting quality is a great long term money saver. Get in Touch to Discuss Horse Bedding Today Here at P.H Winterton and Son we only stock the finest horse bedding in Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Nottinghamshire. If you’d like to know more about any of our products, please get in touch...
Read Moreabout How High Quality Horse Bedding Deals with AllergiesBuying your first horse is a big commitment for both your finances and time so making sure you get the best equine bedding is crucial. P.H Winterton and Son offer two different types of horse bedding both with their own unique qualities. Our Cheshire Choice horse bedding is made from 100% softwood shavings with excellent absorbency levels and that keeps your stables dry for longer. Alternatively, Economy Bale horse bedding consists of double dust extracted wood shavings which protect your horse from respiratory issues and injuries such as abrasions. In this post, we are going to look at some essential questions to ask the owner before buying your horse. Questions to Ask about Your First Horse As experienced providers of horse bedding from areas such as Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. We talk to plenty of stable owners who ask our team of specialists for tips to keep their horses happy. Here are some questions you should be asking when buying a new horse – Ask if the horse has any ‘track record’? – If the horse doesn’t don’t be too alarmed as it may have the potential to race down the line if well trained. Contact Previous Owners – If the horses you are looking to buy has had multiple owners contact as many as possible to get a well-rounded idea of their history in case, they have any long term issues you aren’t aware of. Request the Horse’s Passport – It’s illegal for a horse to be sold without its passport so make sure you request it from the owner and check the description, age and other details match the horse Welcome Your First Horse Home with Equine Bedding Once you’ve decided on the perfect horse you will need to create a welcoming environment in your stables. Spend some time with your horse getting to know the ground. Trust is a big thing for horses so building a bond early will help your relationship. Creating a comfortable stable with top-notch equine bedding will keep your horse healthy, relaxed and ready to begin competition training in the future. We keep large quantities of horse bedding at our site in Staffordshire meaning we can supply between one and 18 pallets;...
Read Moreabout Get the Finest Equine Bedding for Your First HorsePreparation is key to producing the best dressage performance by your horse in the upcoming calendar of events. Here at P.H Winterton and Son, we understand the care and attention needed to keep your horses healthy and competing at the highest level. This is why we only produce the finest equine bedding to keep your stables cosy and comfortable. Showjumping Tips from P.H Winterton and Son We work with plenty of showjumpers who compete in competitions right across the country, so if you’ve got a show on the horizon; take a read of our essential tips – Know Your Horse – No two horses are the same so walk the course with each individual horse in mind. Watch the Clock – Be conscious of the time allowed if it looks like it’s going to be a tight squeeze look for areas where you can save time e.g. angling a jump or turning inside a fence. Know Your Starting Direction – The approach you take to the first fence will often set the pace for the rest of the course. Employ Some Old Tricks – One of the oldest course builder tricks is to encourage horses to flatten. Make sure your horse is sitting on its hocks to give you the best chance of jumping clear. Watch Similar Horses – If you get the opportunity to watch similar horses to yours you will get a good idea of how your horse will approach the course. Your Choice of Equine Bedding P.H Winterton and Son offer two types of high-quality equine bedding that will suit any customer’s budget. Our Cheshire Choice bedding is made from 100% wood shavings giving your horses maximum comfort and excellent absorbency levels. With a unique temperature controlling feature, this type of animal bedding keeps warm in winter and cool in summer. Economy bale is the alternative cost-effective bedding solution that is double dust extracted making the shavings hygienic. Find out More About Animal Bedding from P.H Winterton and Son With six decades of experience in the equine bedding industry, P.H Winterton and Son are the only suppliers who will get your horses jumping for success at your next show. If you’d like to know more about...
Read Moreabout Dressage for Success with P.H Winterton and SonWe don’t have to tell you how important it is to keep stalls in top condition for horses. And this is particularly true when it comes to equine bedding. But there’s so much information flying around in regards to the dos and don’ts of equine care. How can you be sure you’re doing the right thing for your horse? In this blog post, we’re going to look at ways you can keep your horse comfortable and healthy. And give you a rundown of the best equine bedding available in Staffordshire, Cheshire and Nottingham and beyond. Air Quality and Horse Bedding When it comes to air quality in stables, feed and bedding are the main sources of airborne dust. And this dust can be made up of a whole variety of matter including bacteria, faeces, and viruses. While there is no way to totally eliminate this from stables entirely, there are a number of things you can do to manage the amounts. This is crucial, especially for horses who may be suffering from respiratory disorders, as symptoms of these diseases can be exacerbated by the inhalation of airborne dust. The main way to control the levels of dust in your stable is through proper ventilation. Ensuring air can flow in and out of stalls is vital to maintaining a healthy environment for your horses. Ventilation comes from sidewall openings, doors and windows. So check these remain unobstructed, particularly during the summer months. Aside from ventilation, another aspect to consider is the dust content of your equine bedding. Airborne dust levels are at their highest while mucking out your stables. So a good place to start in keeping your horse healthy is by removing them from the stall during cleaning. What’s more, high-quality bedding, such as the Cheshire Choice Equine Bedding from P.H.Winterton & Son, will also reduce the risk of dust problems. High-Quality Equine Bedding From P.H. Winterton & Son At P.H. Winterton & Son, we offer quality controlled horse bedding to our customers in Staffordshire and beyond. At present, we have two types of the very best equine bedding available to customers. These are: Cheshire Choice Bedding Made up of 100% softwood shavings, this bedding is ideal for horses....
Read Moreabout Keep Your Horse Healthy With Quality Equine Bedding