Biomass fuel has become increasingly popular with households aiming to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on their energy bills. Here at P.H Winterton and Son, we develop a high-quality supply of wood chip biomass fuel that can provide warmth to a single room or even power a central heating system plus hot water boilers. According to the Energy Saving Trust using a wood-fuelled biomass boiler could save you an incredible £960 a year compared to an older electric heating system. Three Reasons to Use Biomass Fuel Here are three reasons to use a biomass heating system – 1. The price of wood varies considerably but long term this is a more affordable heating solution. 2. Using a wood boiler system could lead to financial support from the Government-led Renewable Heating Incentive (RHI) scheme. 3. Carbon dioxide emitted from wood pellets when they are burning is the same amount absorbed over all the time the plant was growing. Sourcing your fuel from a local supplier such as P.H Winterton and Son will ensure carbon emissions are kept as low as possible plus they are still much lower than from fossil fuels. Biomass Fuel Saves the Environment Carbon dioxide emissions are significantly reduced when using a wood-fuelled boiler instead of solid coal-fired system. According to the Energy Saving Trust, this can add up to an incredible 14.3 tonnes of emissions per year! P.H Winterton and Son are also part of the UK government’s approved Biomass Supplier List, which was introduced by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in April 2014. This is a comprehensive list of wood fuel that’s been proven to meet requirements of the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme. This allows RHI participants to demonstrate to Ofgem that the fuel they are using in their biomass boilers meets the RHI sustainability criteria required to claim savings as part of the scheme. Get in Touch to Discuss Your Requirements If you’d like to know more about P.H Winterton’s range of products, please contact us today and let us know your requirements. From our base in Staffordshire we regular supply biomass fuel to customers in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and...
Read Moreabout How much can I save on energy bills using Biomass Fuel?High-quality equine bedding from P.H Winterton and Son is one of the essentials to keep your horses comfortable during the hot summer. While summer is a great time to go out riding, the increased temperatures bring the risk of dehydration and heat stress for your stable. In our latest blog, we are going to look at some tips to help protect your horses from the heat. Four Ways to Keep Your Horses Healthy 1. Temperature Controlled Equine Bedding – P.H Winterton’s Cheshire Choice equine bedding has excellent temperature adjustments qualities that help keep it cooler in the summer and warmer during the winter. 2. Keep Your Horse Hydrated – Providing fresh water for your stable is a must, so keeping their water source out of the sunshine will help keep it cool. If your horse is sweating, then adding electrolytes to their water will help keep their body balanced. In this scenario offer a water source with electrolytes but also standard water so your horse keeps drinking regularly. 3. Trim Horses with Longer Coats – For some horses, a long, thick coat will hold heat and make it difficult for your horse to cool down. This is different for every horse, so when clipping be careful not to trim too close as it also provides protection from harmful rays. 4. Adjust Turnout Times – If the weather is extremely hot you will need to adjust turnout times to cooler hours such as early in the morning or once the sun starts to go down. Grass becomes sparse during these times so you will also need to provide additional feed. Enjoy Summer Riding with P.H Winterton and Son For 60 years and counting P.H Winterton and Son have been providing the very best equine bedding across regions such as Staffordshire, Cheshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. If you’d like to know more about our Cheshire Choice and or Economy Bale horse bedding, please contact us...
Read Moreabout How Equine Bedding Keeps Horses Comfortable in the SummerBiomass fuel in Derbyshire from P.H Winterton and Son is one of the most innovative ways to create a renewable energy source using waste. Biomass can consist of agricultural and animal waste that is environmentally friendly due to the produced energy not releasing anywhere near the number of pollutants and Greenhouse gases that fossil fuels do. High-Quality Biomass Fuel in Derbyshire There are three main types of biomass energy, produced from the following components – • Solid – Wood, sawdust and garbage • Liquid – Ethanol and Methanol • Gas – Biogas or swamp gas (mainly Methane gas) The main source of biomass fuel from P.H Winterton is wood residue which is obtained through our sawmill waste collection service for joinery firms. Our meticulous production process ensures all of our wood is of uniform size and free of harmful contaminants such as metal – which reduces carbon dioxide and gasses that can cause acid rain. Acid rain is one of the consequences of air pollution which occurs when emissions from factories, cars or heating boilers come into contact with water in the atmosphere. These emissions contain nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide which when mixed with water become sulphurous acid, nitric acid and sulphuric acid. The resulting acids are extremely damaging to soils, lakes and seas with consequential damage to terrestrial and marine flora and fauna. This can also cause the corrosion of metallic elements in buildings, bridges, towers and other structures plus the destruction of statues, sculptures and limestone buildings. So as you can see using biomass fuel is extremely beneficial to the future of our environment. Six Decades of Outstanding Customer Service P.H Winterton and Son are celebrating 60 years of business this year and we believe the reason we continue to lead the way for animal bedding and biomass fuel in Derbyshire is our unmatched customer service. Using our reliable fleet network we can provide biomass fuel to areas such as Staffordshire, Cheshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Berkshire. If you would like more information about our services, please get in touch...
Read Moreabout Turning Waste into Biomass Fuel in DerbyshireP.H Winterton and Son’s sawmill waste collection in Berkshire will create animal bedding that will ensure a comfortable night’s sleep. Our range of sawmill waste is recycled as animal bedding that can be used in stables for horses and cows plus cages for smaller pets such as hamsters. Here’s four reasons why using our wood shavings or sawdust bedding is best for your farm – Non-palatable – This means your animals won’t try to eat this unlike if you used straw which is popular with horses. Easy to Store – Our wrapped bales are easy to store and handle, meaning you can stock up on our animal bedding. Eco-friendly – Because we use sawmill from waste materials you will be doing your bit for the environment using a recycled product. Highly absorbent – Our Cheshire Choice equine bedding is made from 100% wood shavings giving it excellent absorbency levels. Driving Superb Sawmill Waste Collection in Berkshire Here at P.H Winterton and Son, we operate a fleet of 30 to 45 feet articulated trailers all fitted with return air systems meaning we can collect large amounts of sawmill waste from your site anywhere across the country. If you’re a smaller joinery outfit we can offer a 20-foot hook lift filter skips that can be collected on a regular basis. We also offer 20-foot open top waste skips that can be used for wood chips, pallets, off-cuts and general waste. Leading the Way for Sawmill Waste Collection in Berkshire Now in our 60th year we have been leading the way in the agricultural industry for animal bedding and in recent years developed the production of biomass fuel using A Grade wood. Biomass fuel is set to dominate the energy market in the coming years as we look for alternatives to fossil fuels such as coal to power our homes. If you’d like to know more about sawmill waste collection in Berkshire please get in touch...
Read Moreabout Sawmill Waste Collection in Berkshire Creates Excellent Animal BeddingSawmill waste collection in Leicestershire offered by P.H Winterton and Son is the eco-friendliest way to produce electricity. We are firm believers in waste not being wasted, which is why we use sawmill waste to produce biomass fuel (which creates electricity) plus we can use it for comfortable bedding for various animals. How Sawmill Waste Creates Biomass Fuel Here is your basic guide to generating electricity through biomass fuel – The most common way biomass fuel becomes electricity is through the combustion of wooded materials to heat water and produces steam which can spin turbines. Another method of electricity production is using excess steam from biomass plants for on-site manufacturing processes or heating, which can boost your energy efficiency. The wood used for biomass fuel can contain around 18 megajoules (MJ) per kilogram of energy when dried before use. To get a better idea of the equivalent, a kilogram of cut grass contains about 4 million joules (1 million joules = 1 megajoule), which is just slightly more than the kilowatt-hour used in the energy retail market. The UK is fast moving towards the use of biomass fuels instead of fossil fuels such as coal. Here are some of the biggest biomass projects going on at the moment – • Drax Power Station (North Yorkshire) – The largest producer of carbon dioxide in the country has been converting its coal-fired boilers to use biomass fuel instead. • Blackburn Meadows Cogeneration Plant (South Yorkshire) – Harnessing excess heat from combustion this facility provides heating to nearby business through the district heating system • Templeborough Biomass Plant – Opened in August 2017 this plant provides energy for 78,000 homes which saves up to 150,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. • Kent Biomass Power Station – This station which opened in the summer of 2018, services 50,000 homes. • Tees Renewable Energy Plant – Due to finish in 2020 and costing £650m this will be the largest biomass plant in the world, producing enough electricity for 600,00 homes. Find out more about Sawmill Waste Collection in Leicestershire If you’d like to know more about P.H Winterton and Son services such as sawmill waste collection in Leicestershire please get in touch...
Read Moreabout Electric Sawmill Waste Collection in Leicestershire